Your association may want a full export of your data in GoMembers OnDemand when migrating to another instance. This data may be used in another system or for other purposes. This article provides step-by-step instructions on how to obtain an export of your full data.
Exporting the Data From Reports
All the data in GoMembers OnDemand can be obtained by exporting the reports, as discussed below.
Once the data is generated in the reports, use the Export as.. option (available on each report) to export the data to your preferred format.
List Builder
For data on people and organizations, create a List Builder List of your preferred type. To export all data, leave the Criteria blank and under Columns, select all the columns. See more information on Creating and Modifying a List Builder Report. Use the preferred option under Export as.. to export the data.
Activity History Report
For data on activities of registrations and memberships, use the Activity History Report:
- From the Activity History report page, click on View All Items.
- Tick the Show Ended box and Click on Choose Columns to be directed to the column chooser.
- Check the boxes for all the preferred columns (Check the boxes for all columns to export all the available data) and click Save at the end of the page.
- Back on the Report, select the Start Date Range or click View All Dates to generate all data (from the beginning of your association's use of the system to date) and click Go.
- This will generate all the data to be exported. Use the preferred option under Export as.. to export the data.
Reports on Field Templates
If your association uses field templates, then the data on the field templates has to be generated as well.
To see the Field Templates that have been added, go to the Admin sidebar, then click on Catalog Admin located under Activities.
- The Field Template column shows which field templates are in use.
Go to the Activity History Reports, select All under Category, select a Field Template and, click Go.
- Click View all with this field template (FieldTemplate) link.
- This will generate show data saved in the Field Templates. Tick the Show Ended box and Select the Start Date Range and click on Choose Columns.
- Check to Select all applicable columns and click Save at the end of the page.
- Back on the report page, click Go to generate the data. Export the data using the preferred Export as... option.
- Repeat steps 3-7 for all Field Templates in use (noted in Step 2).
Notes History
Generate the Notes History report from Reports > Organizations > Notes History.
Select the Date Range and select All under Entered By and Category fields and click on Go.
This will generate the data to be exported. Use the preferred option under Export as.. to export the data.
To extract the persistent notes, please follow the steps here: Extracting Persistent Notes.
Priyanka Bhotika